
A Rijksmonument (Dutch literally for " national monument " ) is a Dutch term that describes a least 50 years old culture monument, which was made ​​for reasons of history, its beauty, its importance to science or its cultural and historical value in the Netherlands under monument protection. The basis is the monumentenwet ( Monument Protection Act ) of 1988, the monuments, archaeological sites and monuments ensembles or whole Ortsansichten is under protection. Movable Cultural Monuments are not covered by the law. There are tax breaks and various support programs for the maintenance of Rijksmonumenten.

The objects placed under protection are marked with a blue and white Emailleschildchen, the symbol of protection under the Hague Convention.

The Rijksmonumente are defined in Article 1 of the Monument Act 1988 included in the monument register, which is comparable to the German monument list and in the object database (ODB ) is converted, the voor from the conservation authority ONP archeology, Cultuurlandschap s monuments ( RACM ) is operated. Register and database are not publicly available.

The Netherlands has approximately 55,000 Rijksmonumenten, of which 1 500 350 protected archaeological objects and ensembles, town and village views.

A related form of protection are so-called Gemeentelijke monumenten (municipality monuments ). A municipality may choose to put a cultural monument on the list of church monuments, if it is not of national or even global, but regionally important.
