
51.54138888888910.92253Koordinaten: 51 ° 32 ' 29 " N, 10 ° 55' 12" E

Location of Nordhausen Nordhausen

Church of St. Jacobi Philippi and

Nordhausen is a district of the city of Nordhausen in the district of Nordhausen in Thuringia.


Nordhausen is located northeast of the city of Nordhausen in the extreme northeastern corner of Thuringia shortly before Stolberg (Harz) flows in a tree- forest and hilly corridor through which the Ronnebach tions Thyra. The county road 10 connects the district with the national road transport network is 1037th


The first written mention is found in a document (UB monastery Walkenried I 112 ) from the year 1221st On December 1, 2007 Nordhausen was amalgamated with last 283 inhabitants to Nordhausen. In the village live peasants and artisans. The economy is revived by the tourist campsite with Wolfsmühle.


The Church of St. Jacobi Philippi and dates in its present form by the early 17th century.
