Roger Pyttel

Roger Pyttel was the most successful participants in the East German Swimming Championships in East Berlin ( 1973)

Roger Pyttel ( born May 8, 1957 in Wolfen ) is a German former swimmer who competed for East Germany.

In 1972 took Pyttel to the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich in part, but failed there already in the heats in the 100 meters freestyle, 100 meter butterfly, 200 meter butterfly and 4 × 200 meter freestyle.

His greatest successes were the profits of European titles at the European Championships 1974 in Vienna and 1977 in Jönköping on the 100 meter butterfly. He was also in 1975 Vice World Champion over 100 meters and 200 meters butterfly.

In 1976 he was in Montreal swimming a world record over 200 meters butterfly before the Olympics, he stayed on 3 June 1976 in Berlin as the first swimmer in 1.59,63 min under the 2- minute limit. In the games themselves but he could not do justice to his role as favorites and won, each in fourth in the 100 meters and 200 meters butterfly, not a medal. At the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, he won the 100m butterfly silver and the 200m butterfly bronze medal.

Since 2007 he has worked as a trainer of the power influx into Fürstenwalder swimming club.

Awards (selection)
