Roman Catholic Diocese of Cruz Alta

The Diocese of Cruz Alta (Latin: Dioecesis Altae Crucis ) is a located in Brazil, Roman Catholic diocese based in Cruz Alta in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


The Diocese of Cruz Alta was born on May 27, 1971 by Pope Paul VI. built with the Apostolic Constitution Cum Christ out of territory of the Diocese of Santa Maria and the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre is a suffragan.

Bishops of Cruz Alta

  • Walmor Battu Wichrowski, 1971-1972
  • Nei Paulo Moretto, 1972-1976, then Coadjutor Bishop of Caxias do Sul
  • Jacó Roberto Hilgert, 1976-2002
  • Friedrich Heimler SDB, since 2002

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Cruz Alta
