Roman Catholic Diocese of Caxias do Sul

The Diocese of Caxias do Sul (Latin: Dioecesis Caxiensis Australis ) is a splendid Roman Catholic diocese in Brazil, based in Caxias do Sul in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


The Diocese of Caxias do Sul was born on September 8, 1934 by Pope Pius XI. built with the apostolic constitution Quae spirituali christifidelium out of territory of the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre diocese Caxias. It was the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre is a suffragan.

On October 19, 1966, the diocese was renamed the Diocese of Caxias Caxias do Sul. The Diocese of Caxias do Sul announced on November 10, 1999 from parts of its territory to the founding of the Diocese of Osório.


Bishops of Caxias

  • Jose Barea, 1935-1951
  • Benedito Zorzi, 1952-1966

Bishops of Caxias do Sul

  • Benedito Zorzi, 1966-1983
  • Nei Paulo Moretto, 1983-2011
  • Alessandro Carmelo Ruffinoni CS, since 2011