Roman Catholic Diocese of Kisii

The Diocese of Kisii (Latin: Dioecesis Kisiianus ) is a location in Kenya Roman Catholic diocese based in Kisii. It includes the districts of Nyamira, Kisii and Gucha in the province of Nyanza.


Pope John XXIII. she founded the Apostolic Constitution Divina Christ on May 21, 1960, cessions of territory of the Archdiocese of Kisumu and it was the archbishopric Nairobi assumed as suffragan.

On October 18, 1993, lost part of its territory to the Diocese of Homa Bay. On 21 May 1990, it was part of the ecclesiastical province of the Archdiocese of Kisumu.

Bishops of Kisii

  • Maurice Michael Otunga (21 May 1960-15. November 1969, then Koadjutorerzbischof of Nairobi )
  • Tiberius Charles Mugendi (15 November 1969-17. December 1993 died )
  • Joseph Mairura Okemwa, since December 19, 1994