Roman Catholic Diocese of Mexicali

The Diocese of Mexicali (Latin: Dioecesis Mexicalensis, Spanish: diócesis de Mexicali ) is a location in Mexico Roman Catholic diocese based in Mexicali.


The Diocese of Mexicali was born on March 25, 1966 by Pope Paul VI. with the Apostolic Constitution Qui secum reputet built out of territory of the Diocese of Tijuana and the Archdiocese of Hermosillo is a suffragan. On 25 November 2006, the Diocese of Mexicali by Pope Benedict XVI was. the Archdiocese of Tijuana assumed with the Apostolic Constitution Mexicani populi suffragan. The Diocese of Mexicali was on January 26, 2007 from parts of its territory to the foundation of built by the Apostolic Constitution Venerabiles Fratres Diocese of Ensenada.

Bishops of Mexicali

  • Manuel Pérez- Gil y González, 1966-1984, then Bishop of Tlalnepantla
  • José Ulises Macías Salcedo, 1984-1996, then Archbishop of Hermosillo
  • José Isidro Guerrero Macías, 1997