Roman Catholic Diocese of Novo Hamburgo

The Diocese of Novo Hamburgo (Latin: Dioecesis Novohamburgensis ) is a Roman Catholic diocese based in the Brazilian Novo Hamburgo in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


Pope John Paul II established on 2 February 1980 with the Apostolic Constitution Cum sacer praesul ecclesia from the diocese of territory of the Archdiocese of Porto Alegre and imputed it this suffragan.


The diocese comprises the municipalities of Novo Hamburgo Novo Hamburgo, Campo Bom, Canela, Homeboys, Estancia Velha, Gramado, Igrejinha, Ivoti, Nova Petrópolis, Rolante, São Leopoldo, Sapiranga Taquara and Três Coroas the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Bishops of Novo Hamburgo

  • Aloisio Sinesio Bohn (1980-1986), then Bishop of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Bonaventura Kloppenburg, OFM (1986-1995)
  • Both Osvino José (1995-2006), then Military Archbishop of Brazil
  • Zeno Have devil (since 2007)

