Ron Ziegler

Ronald Louis "Ron" Ziegler ( born May 12, 1939 in Covington, Kentucky, † February 10, 2003 in Coronado, California ) was from 1969 to 1974 the press secretary of the White House under President Richard Nixon.


Ziegler was born in Kentucky. In his college vacations he worked at Disneyland as a tourist guide in Adventure Land. In 1962, he was first employed by the later President; Ziegler was a volunteer at Nixon's campaign for Gouverneuerswahl in California.

1969 became the youngest press secretary of the White House Ron Ziegler age of 29. It was also during the Watergate scandal, Nixon's press secretary and described the Watergate break- even in 1973 as a " third-rate burglary [ ... ] This is a matter that should have nothing to do with the political process. "

Later, when Harry Robbins Haldeman was heavily loaded, he told the press corps: " I respect the free press. But I do not respect those kind of shabby journalism, as practiced by the Washington Post. "

But later it turned out that Ziegler from the true operations had no idea and was prepared for his performances in detail.

Sometimes Ziegler could also be the victim of intemperance of Richard Nixon. In New Orleans, was observed at a gig in August 1973, as the furious President Ziegler grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed him away from her, because Ziegler other journalists not kept away by the President.

Ziegler was fanatical regarding his loyalty to his superiors Haldeman and Nixon. Therefore, he was nicknamed " beaver patrol" (after beaver beaver = - a scouting organization ).
