Roy Walford

Roy L. Walford ( born June 29, 1924 in San Diego, California, † 27 April 2004) was an American gerontologist. He was the founder of the Calorie Restriction Society, author of several non-fiction books and one of the scientists in Biosphere 2

Professional and research

Walford was pathology professor at the University of California at Los Angeles ( UCLA). He had found in 1986 in laboratory experiments with mice, a longer life expectancy with a reduced calorie diet ( calorie restriction ). He could increase life expectancy by 30 percent due to small, but high-quality food supply, including through reduction of diabetes mellitus and cancer. In 1998 he was awarded the Longevity Prize of the IPSEN Foundation.

Calorie Restriction Society

The CR was founded by Walford has three thousand members worldwide, including twelve in Germany. You will be medically monitored. A heart disease was difficult to observe the blood pressure values ​​usually optimal. However, a reduction of the growth hormone IGF1 as in CR mice was observed only in vegans, ie with use of animal proteins.

Private life

Roy Walford died at 79 years of a nerve disease.
