Rozhraní (Svitavy District)

Rozhraní ( German Roßrain, formerly Ross Rein) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It is located seven kilometers north-west of Letovice and belongs to Okres Svitavy.


Rozhraní located in the Svitavská pahorkatina on the left bank of the Svitava. North-east rises the Na Vrších ( Barta mountain, 547 m), the South East Budina (542 m) southwest of the clup (519 meters ). To the north- west was the historical border of Moravia to Bohemia. By Rozhraní lead the railway line Česká Třebová - Brno and state highway 461 I/43/E

Neighboring towns are Chrastová Lhota in the north, Deštná in the northeast, and Rumberk Bahna in the east, Dolni Smržov the southeast, Skřib, Stvolová and Vilémov in the south, Bradlné the southwest, Študlov in the west and Chrastavec and Půlpecen in the northwest.


The first written mention of Brlenka ( Bradlné ) was carried out in 1200 in connection with the trade route leading to Svitavy. In 1409 the settlement belonging to the reign Letovice Vilémov was called for the first time. Bradlné belonged from 1416 to the possessions of the rule Louka and was later referred to as Brallin. Rosrain was founded in the second half of the 17th century. At the end of the 18th century Bradlné was one of the most populous villages in the area. By means of the religious fund the church was built. On August 4, 1791, the Fund donated in Bradlné a Lokalie and school, which also oversaw the surrounding villages Studlow, Wilimow, Strzik, Roßrein and Wlkow. In 1834 there was Bralný or Bradlený from 57 houses, 40 of which were subservient to the rule Křetín and 17 to rule Letovice. In Letovicer proportion lived 88 people. Wilimow consisted at that time of five houses and had 30 inhabitants. In Roßrein were 28 houses in which 130 people lived. Between 1846 and 1849 the construction of the railway from Brno to Bohemian Trübau was carried out by kk Northern State Railway.

After the abolition of patrimonial formed Bradleny and Roßrein / Rozhraní ( with the hamlet Vilemov ) 1850 two independent congregations in the District Commission Boskovice. In 1869, the three villages had gathered 632 inhabitants. 1878 the doubling of the railway line was completed. Between 1880 and 1897 were Rozhraní and Vilémov districts of Stvolová, then the community Rozhraní arose again. In Bradlné a new school was opened in 1899. In 1900 lived in the three places 791 people, then began a decline in population. After the First World War, Edward Blazek taught in Vilémov Villa Eda as a refuge for the poor and homeless one. Blazek was one of the Green squad, the kuk before being drafted to Army had fled into the woods and thus deprived the military service. After the death Blažeks Villa Eda was demolished and in its place built in 1930 houses. 1930 had the villages of 761 inhabitants. After the Munich Agreement Rozhraní was in 1938, the border town to the German Empire, the one kilometers northern neighboring oil huts ( Chrastová Lhota ) belonged to the Sudeten district Zwittau. In 1950 the incorporation of Bradlné, at the same time the Moravian community was assigned to the Bohemian Okres Svitavy. At that time, lived in the municipality 603 people. 1971 lost Vilémov and Bradlné their status as districts. The school in Bradlné was repealed in 1976 and retrained the children after Moravian Chrastová. In 1980, the municipality had 430 inhabitants Rozhraní. From 1997 the railway line was electrified.

Community structure

For the community Rozhraní no districts are reported. Rozhraní consists of the settlements Bradlné ( Bradelna ) Rozhraní ( Roßrain ) and Vilémov ( Wilemau ).


  • Parish Church of St.. Exaltation in Bradlné, the church was built with funds from the religious fund was ordained in 1790.
  • Amphibolitfelsblöcke, west of the village
  • Gap cave system, not accessible
  • 30 m tall beech with a trunk circumference of 5.50 m, east of the village on the hill U Kubátů
  • Remains of the castle Rumberk, east of the village