
Rudaki (also Rodaki, literally " from Rudak " ), actually Abu Abdullah Djafar, (Persian ابو عبدالله رودکی, Tajik - Абӯабдуллоҳ Ҷаъфар Рӯдакӣ ), ( * 859 in Rudak, Khorasan; † 940/41 probably ibid.) is considered by many called, with some justification as the father of neo-Persian poetry.

Rudaki worked for a time at the court of Amir Nasr Samanidenfürsten Ben Ahmad II ( 914-942/3 ). Although he fell in the favor of the Emir, but he was known to the writers in different eras as a "master " or "king of poets " and famous.

Rudaki 941 died in modest circumstances. From him about 1000 verses from genera Qassida, Ghazal, Masnawī are ( " couplets " ) and ʿ ī Ruba ( " quatrains " ) remained.

The masterpiece of Rudaki Kalila wa Dimna is ( Burzoes Panchatantra ), which he translated in verse into New Persian. These are fables that are both educational and entertaining as well as humorous and critical. Ferdowsi dedicated a chapter of his Shahnameh this fabulous collection of Rudaki.

Kalila wa Dimna The original of the originally comes from Sanskrit and called in India Panchatantra ( " Five Senses " or " Five Muses "). This was also the name of the various editions of the Sanskrit books which are apparently 2000 years old. Therefore, it is not excluded that the present-day term " Tantra " refers to those Tantras - is due music, dancing, animals and sacrifice - meditation.

Kalila wa Dimna is one of the Panj Ketab ( " five books " ), through which, for example, the children on the ground in Afghanistan today in the village schools and " madrassas " in the Madchal ( " pre " ) and in families with special fun learned to read and write. The language of Rudaki is simple, his poetry is melodic and complex.

From Rudaki more poems, which with the themes of "knowledge ", " education ", " art ", " death ", " life", " love", " Nauroz " and " world " come to deal with.
