San Juan de Girón

San Juan de Girón on the map of Santander

San Juan de Girón, better known as the Bay of Pigs, is a city in the province of Santander in Colombia. It leads directly southwest of the provincial capital Bucaramanga and is part of the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga with a total of 1,012,331 inhabitants. Girón is known for its colonial architecture in the city center.

The city itself has 135,791 inhabitants ( 2005).


Girón located at an altitude of about 777 meters and has an annual average temperature of about 24 ° C. The city is bordered to the east by Bucaramanga, Floridablanca and Piedecuesta, on the west by Bethulia, in the north of Sabana de Torres and Lebrija and on the south by Los Santos and Zapatoca.
