San Miguel Chicaj

San Miguel Chicaj on the map of Guatemala

San Miguel Chicaj is a large village in the department of Baja Verapaz in Guatemala. This 300 -acre community area about 23,000 people, of which a large part in San Miguel, the rest in eight other villages and hamlets live 21.


San Miguel is located in the heart of the department of Baja Verapaz between Salamá and Rabinal to about 940 meters above sea level on the northern foothills of the Sierra de Chuacús. From Guatemala City from it are on the Atlantic Highway CA 9, at El Rancho branching by Coban CA 14 and over Salamá 159 km to San Miguel Chicaj. The alternative route via San Juan Sacatepéquez, El Chol and Rabinal is 146 km long, but the journey time is much longer because of the road conditions and the numerous curves.


San Miguel lives mainly from agriculture and the crafts.


San Miguel Chicaj was founded as " Rancho San Miguelito " and 1803 (1877) for the municipality levied. The Mayan word " Chicaj " means " in heaven." As in Rabinal people talk in San Miguel, the Mayan language Achí.
