San Pedro Mountains Mummy

The dwarf mummy of Wyoming ( called Pedro, after its place of discovery ) is a small, only about 40 centimeters mummified corpse that was found in October 1932 by the gold diggers Cecil Main and Frank Carr in a cave in the Pedro Mountains in Wyoming.

The dwarf mummy was found in a sitting position ( 18 cm high) with arms crossed. The skull was smashed. The Mummy of Wyoming was examined by Dr. Harry Shapiro with the help of X-rays and was said to be a woman according to his analysis, which died at the age of 65. The Dwarf Mummy of Wyoming was acquired by the American businessman T. Goodman and brought to New York, where she was allegedly stolen shortly before his death.

To date, this mummy is not resurfaced. However, there are still the custom built by Dr. Harry Shapiro radiographs and photographs.
