San Ramón, Uruguay

San Ramón on the map of Uruguay

San Ramon is a city in Uruguay.


San Ramón is located south of Cuchilla del Chamizo in the north of the department of Canelones in whose sector 11 around 15 kilometers south-east is Tala. The northern city limits of San Ramon form of Arroyo Pilatos and the Río Santa Lucía. The latter serves as a boundary to Nachbardepartamento Florida. To the south Castellanos is located.


On June 26, 1953 San Ramón is classified in the category " Ciudad " by the law Nr.11.952.



San Ramón has established with the 1939 Liceo N º 1 de San Ramón " Dr. Juan Belza " about a high school ( Liceo ).


Through the city into north-south direction, the Ruta 6 Moreover, San Ramón connected to the national road network to the east of the Ruta 12 and west of the Ruta 63.


The population of San Ramon is 7.133. (As of 2011)

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

City ​​council

Mayor ( Alcalde ) of San Ramón is Beatríz Lamas ( Partido Nacional).

Sons and daughters of the town
