Sándor Rónai

Sandor Ronai [ ʃa ː ro ː ndor nɒ.i ] ( born October 6, 1892 in Miskolc, Hungary, † September 28, 1965 in Budapest) was a Hungarian communist politician and president.

Ronai, who belonged to the left wing of the Social Democratic Party, promoted even during the Second World War, a collaboration with the Hungarian Communist Party of Mátyás Rákosi.

Ronai was on 26 April 1950 after the arrest of Árpád Szakasits Chairman of the Presidential Council and thus President of Hungary. He was succeeded in this office by Dobi Already on 14 August 1952.

On August 18, 1952, he was elected President of the National Assembly ( Országgyűlés ). This office he retained until 5 November 1962.

During the uprising in 1956, he supported the pro-Soviet position of János Kádár, who summoned him to the suppression of the uprising with the help of Soviet troops on 4 November 1956 to the Foreign Trade Minister in his cabinet. This office he held until February 28, 1957.


  • List of Hungarian governments since 1945
  • The popular uprising in Hungary. Chronology of Events in the mirror of Hungarian broadcasting messages
  • Information in rulers.org

Count Mihály Károlyi | Sándor Garbai | Miklós Horthy ( Regent ) | Ferenc Szálasi ( Leader of the Nation) | Zoltán Tildy | Árpád Szakasits | Sandor Ronai | István Dobi | Pál Losonczi | Károly Németh | Brúnó Straub | Mátyás Szurös | Árpád Göncz | Ferenc Mádl | Laszlo Solyom | Pál Schmitt | János Áder

  • President (Hungary )
  • Born in 1892
  • Died in 1965
  • Man