Santa Catalina (Uruguay)

Santa Catalina on the map of Uruguay

Santa Catalina is a village in Uruguay.


It is located in western Uruguay in the field of the department of Soriano in the sector 5 is located south-southeast of José Enrique Rodo. About halfway between the two cities has its source in the Convention therein Cuchilla del Durazno Arroyo San Martín, a right-side tributary of the Río San Salvador. Other settlements in the vicinity of Santa Catalina Cardona are in the southeast and Castillos and Perseverano in West southwest.


By Santa Catalina runs the Ruta 2 The place is also the seat of the school Escuela Dr.Pablo Purriel.


Santa Catalina had 2004 1.053 inhabitants in the census in the year.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
