Santa Maria dei Miracoli and Santa Maria in Montesanto

The church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo in Rome is one of the most famous, built 1662-1679 twin churches in Piazza del Popolo. Architects of the building east of the Via del Corso were - as well as later in the west of it are sister church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli - Carlo Rainaldi, Carlo Fontana and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The idea for the construction of two nearly identical Marienkirchen at the beginning of the end of the Piazza del Popolo Corso could have come from Pope Alexander VII himself.

In contrast to the Rotunda of Santa Maria del Miracle Church, the Church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo was designed as a domed central building on an oval ground plan. As with their counterparts the towards the square oriented main portal is presented with a temple-like portico. The low Campanile at the Corso facing front is considerably more elaborate than its counterpart. From the interior of the main altar of Mattia de Rossi and created by Carlo Maratta altarpiece of the third chapel on the left is worth mentioning.
