Saúl Ubaldini

Saúl Edólver Ubaldini ( born December 29, 1936 in Buenos Aires, † 20 November 2006 ) was an Argentine trade union official and politician of the Peronist Party.


Ubaldini was in Mataderos, a suburb of Buenos Aires, the son of a butcher and a seamstress. As workers in the processing industry, he soon came into contact with trade union organizations. In 1969 he took a job in a small yeast factory and in 1972 Generalsekrär the small union of the beer industry workers ( Federación Obrera Cervecera Argentina). During the period of the military junta in 1979, he became general secretary of the Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina (CGT ), the Confederation of Trade Unions chosen. In the following years he was within the trade union federation leader of the so-called " Brasil Group " which is a harder and more critical attitude of the trade unions against the military junta pursued in contrast to the so-called " Azopardo Group ". In this role he led in 1981 and a demonstration of 10,000 protesters against dictatorship, which was the first mass protest this time, and was subsequently arrested.

After the return of democracy in Argentina 1986, he was elected Chairman of the CGT. In this role, he led 13 general strike against the government led by President Raul Alfonsin of the Unión Cívica Radical. In addition, he was at times also vice president of social democratic International Association of Independent Trade Union Organisations ( Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres ( CIOSL ) ).

As with Carlos Menem in 1989, a politician of the Peronist party 's new president, was the willingness to strike the CGT subsided. Despite his support of Menem in the election campaign, Ubaldini has been replaced in 1989 by a follower Menem as president of the CGT. In the following years he was therefore opponents of economic reforms Menem and refused the CGT building to leave.

In 1993 he ran for the governorship of the province of Buenos Aires. However, he suffered while a heavy defeat against Menem's close confidant, Eduardo Duhalde. In 1997, he was then a member of the Chamber of Deputies ( Cámara de Honorable Deputies de la Nación ), where he from 2001 to 2005 the interests of the province of Buenos Aires took after his re-election and in particular supported the ideas and programs of Planning Minister Julio de Vido. During this period he was also Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour and sat down beside it for an increase in salaries, pensions one.


  • " UNA LUCHA CON CAUSA ", 1997