
The Schulz Grundbach in Upper Western

The Schulz Grundbach (pipe rear right) opens into the Westerbach

The Schulz Grundbach is a left tributary of the West Erbach in the Aschaffenburg district in the Bavarian Spessart.


The Schulz Grundbach just East of Upper Western, between the Geißberg and the Rengerberg in the ditch right side of the paved road Schulz reason. It flows south-west direction through the Schulz reason and ends in Oberwestern against the Dörnsenbach in the Westerbach.


Since 1 July 2013, by accession of Croatia to the European Union, the geographical center of the EU's Schulz reason Bach's lying in a meadow on the left (position ) 50.1172869.247768 on the outskirts of Oberwestern. This location is marked with a flag of the municipality of Western reason.
