Sclerocactus brevihamatus

Sclerocactus brevihamatus tobuschii

Sclerocactus brevihamatus is a flowering plant in the genus Sclerocactus from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). An English common name is " Tobusch Fishhook Cactus".


Sclerocactus brevihamatus grows mostly single with spherical to obovate, somewhat dark-green stems that reach stature heights between 5 and 10 centimeters in diameter 5-8 cm. There are ten to twelve 6-12 mm high ribs are provided which are humped groove and having a bewollte. The most flattened four central spines are whitish and 2.5 to 4.5 inches long. The lowest of them is now horizontally and is hook-shaped. The seven to 14 rotating round, spreading radial spines are white. They have a length of 1 to 2 centimeters to.

The funnel- shaped flowers are greenish white to pale yellow or cream-white and purple tinge. They are between 2.5 and 3 inches long. The thin-walled, almost bare fruits are about 1.5 inches long.

Systematics, distribution and hazard

Sclerocactus brevihamatus is widespread in the south of Texas. Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp. tobuschii is endemic to the Edwards Plateau.

The first description was in 1856 as Echinocactus brevihamatus by George Engelmann. David Richard Hunt she put 1991 in the genus Sclerocactus. Synonyms are Ancistrocactus brevihamatus ( Engelm. ) Britton & Rose, Roseia brevihamata ( Engelm. ) Fric and Pediocactus brevihamatus ( Engelm. ) Halda.

We distinguish the following sub- types:

  • Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp. brevihamatus
  • Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp. tobuschii

Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp. tobuschii be listed in Annex I of the CITES Convention.

In the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN, the type is known as " Least Concern ( LC) ," ie, than not led at risk.

