Scleroderma areolatum

Leopard-skin Hartbovist ( Scleroderma areolatum )

The leopard-skin Hartbovist ( Scleroderma areolatum ) or Gefelderter Kartoffelbovist is a fungus of the family Hartbovistverwandte ( Sclerodermataceae ). Sometimes he is also called thin shell Hartbovist or thin shell Kartoffelbovist. However, these names are not unique, but also for the very similar Braunwarzigen Hartbovist ( Scleroderma verrucosum ) are used.

  • 5.1 Itemization


Macroscopic characteristics

The leopard-skin Hartbovist forms 3-4 (-5 ) cm wide fruiting bodies. These are round - shaped and bulbous at the base usually constricted, so that a kind of stem is formed. Are root-like Myzelstränge at the bottom. The outer skin ( peridium ) is quickly torn into small fields and brownish yellow to reddish-brown. On average, the meat changes color often significantly. The interior ( Gleba ) is fast gray black tinted and veined fine rosaweißlich. Smell and taste are unpleasant pungent metallic.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are round and have curved spines. They are 9.2 to 14 microns in size, the spines are additionally 1.4-1.6 microns long.


Very similar is the Braunwarzige Hartbovist. From this it differs by larger spores, which are on average well over 10 microns in size, while Braunwarzigen predominantly below. Also in the latter case, the stem is more pronounced.

The Thick-shelled Kartoffelbovist ( Scleroderma citrinum ) has a thicker outer shell and netted instead of spiny spores.


The leopard-skin Hartbovist is not rare and grows singly or in small groups in deciduous and mixed forest. He can often be found on thin places.


The leopard-skin Hartbovist is toxic. His enjoyment leads to vomiting and diarrhea. For larger quantities and fainting are possible.
