Scleroderma citrinum

Dickschaliger Kartoffelbovist ( Scleroderma citrinum )

The Thick-shelled or Common Kartoffel-/Hartbovist ( Scleroderma citrinum ) is a toxic fungal species from the family of Kartoffelbovistverwandten.

  • 5.1 Literature
  • 5.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The Thick-shelled Kartoffelbovist forms 3-10 (-18 ) cm in diameter fruiting bodies. They are oblong- shaped round, colored very firm and yellowish to brownish yellow. The envelope ( peridium ) is 2-3 mm thick and hard; the surface is cracked or felderig - scaly, sometimes quite smooth. A stem is missing, at the base hang mycelium. At maturity the fruiting bodies rips a at the top, so that the spores can reach the outside in clouds of dust. The inner flesh ( Gleba ) is only slightly yellowish young, but to blackish and is traversed quickly brownish with fine whitish veins. The fruit pulp is initially very resistant and disintegrates into dust spores later. The smell and taste are pungent garlic -like or metallic.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are round and have a dark sublime power. They are measured without the power 8-13 microns in size.


The leopard-skin Hartbovist and Braunwarzige Hartbovist that were summarized previously known as the thin shell Kartoffelbovist are brownish in color and have a less rough surface.

Ecology and phenology

The Thick-shelled Kartoffelbovist can be found in sandy, dry pine and mixed forests on versauertem substrate. He is frequently encountered in the summer to late autumn from July to November.

Toxic effect

The consumption of the Thick- leagues Kartoffelbovists can lead to digestive problems such as vomiting and abdominal pain. In addition, sweats and low blood pressure with dizziness and collapse, possibly to unconsciousness occur. The toxic effect can already use 30 to 45 minutes after the mushroom meal. Also visual disturbances and noise-like states are certainly occurred in some cases. Which substances are responsible for the toxic effect is not known.

