Segoe#Segoe UI

The Segoe UI is a technology developed by Microsoft font family for the operating systems Windows Vista and Windows 7, which replaces the Microsoft Sans Serif font Tahoma as default font. According to Microsoft employees you lay the Segoe font, named after a street in Madison (Wisconsin ), from the company Monotype basis that to include the missing signs, and for better screen display, lighter scannability and software technology acquisition with OpenType and ClearType has been edited. Segoe is the font house of Microsoft. As Microsoft is to the English pronunciation of " see- go". According to Microsoft, you can read a set in that script better than Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif or Arial.

Accusations of plagiarism

Linotype GmbH and typography experts thought Microsoft ago, the Linotype Frutiger Next apart from small differences in "1" and "j ," round instead of rectangular dots and a slight change in the weight to have ( the line thickness) exactly copied without license - similar allegations, there was already the predecessor Arial font, which is suspected to be an imitation of Helvetica. Counter Microsoft's entry of the font the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market as a Community design Linotype successfully raised an objection. The Office explained to the protection of the Segoe UI void and referred to in the Reasons for the decision after comparing the printed image as the design with the Frutiger Frutiger Next or "identical".

Related fonts

Microsoft Windows comes with several fonts for non-Latin writing systems, which additionally contain the Latin glyphs written the Segoe UI. An example is the leelawadee for the Thai script. Individual glyphs, however, deviate from the Segoe UI from (so in the leelawadee the uppercase "I" and "M" and the letters "i" and "l" ), possibly a more pleasing for the actual target group of the respective font appearance of Latin written Texteinsprengseln to reach.

Revision with Windows 8

Together with Windows 8, Microsoft released a revised version of Segoe UI, which includes changing glyphs for different capital letters and numbers.
