Senecio leucanthemifolius

Senecio leucanthemifolius

Senecio leucanthemifolius is a species of the genus Greis herbs ( Senecio ) in the sunflower family ( Asteraceae).


Senecio leucanthemifolius is a one-year stem - Therophyt, achieved the stature heights between 5 and 30 centimeters. The most fleshy leaves are spatulate or elliptic and undivided to slightly lobed. The upper leaves can also be simply lobed sometimes. The sections are forward looking, oblong or triangular. There are 4 available to 20 outer bracts.

The flowering period extends from March to May


Senecio leucanthemifolius occurs in the (western) Mediterranean. The species grows on limestone rocks, Kalkschutthalden and sandy and rocky coasts.

