Sergey Snegov

Sergei Alexandrovich Snegow (Russian: Сергей Александрович Снегов; actually Sergei Jossifowitsch stone; * 23 Julijul / August 5 1910greg in Odessa, .. † February 26, 1994 in Kaliningrad ) was a Soviet scientist and author of the present and of science fiction literature.


In the late 1950s he began to write and published in 1964 his first science fiction novel " Тридцать два обличья профессора Крена ". As a writer of science-fiction literature he was indeed only at the second place in his home, but he reached in German-speaking, especially in the GDR, with his trilogy " Люди как Боги " (1966-1977, German people as gods ) a certain cult status. This is a so-called space opera, a genre that has not been laid in East Germany otherwise. It was only in the 80s, a new generation of SF writers joined in the GDR in the footsteps Snegows and also authored primarily action- stressed SF stories.

The volumes were quite different recorded in the Soviet Union. Due to its uncertain political status ' - he had expressed opposition to the official policy in the affair Sinyavsky - Snegow was taken rather casually noted. In addition to " people like gods ", he wrote other SF novels, but also thrillers, non-fiction books about Soviet nuclear physicist, autobiographical stories and memories of life in Norilsk and in the labor camp.

In 1984 he was awarded for the trilogy with the Aelita Prize.

In 2010 appeared in Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, a new edition of the above Novel (ISBN 978-3-453-52519-1 ).

Selected Works

  • Взрыв. 1958 - German explosion, 1960
  • Вариант Пинегина. 1962 - dt The project Pinegin, 1963
  • Люди как Боги - German people as gods (1972, various issues) Галактическая разведка. 1966 - German The journey of the star plow
  • Вторжение в Персей. 1968 - The German invasion of Perseus
  • Кольцо обратного времени. 1977 - The Ring of Countertime