Servian Wall

The Servian Wall is the Roman city walls, from the many places still remains to be seen. Its construction is attributed to King Servius Tullius the Roman (reigned 578-534 BC). Under Tarquinius Superbus, the successor of Servius Tullius, to have been once again reinforced and specifically increased in the region of Agger Tarquinii the Servian Wall.

However, the still existing remains date from the 4th century BC According to Livy, the censors issued in the year 378 BC the order to build the wall, after the city as a result of the Battle of the Allia few years earlier by the Celts had been captured. Since this wall, however, a multi- detectable older wall follows, may be justified her name.

Also on Servius Tullius the establishment of the pomerium is returned, that dividing line that separates the city of Rome from the land that belongs to Rome ( Livy writes this already Romulus ). This limit does not follow the prescribed by the Servian walls line is presumed that she has actually nothing to do with it.

List of Goals

  • Porta Flumentana - led by the Via Aurelia in Rome, after they had crossed the Tiber
  • Porta Carmentalis
  • Porta Fontinalis - led to the Via Flaminia
  • Porta Sanqualis
  • Porta Salutaris
  • Porta Quirinalis
  • Porta Collina - the northern gate; led to the Via Salaria
  • Porta Viminalis - (still existent )
  • Porta Esquilina - led to the Via Labicana, Via Praenestina and Via Tiburtina (still existent )
  • Porta Querquetulana - led to the Via Tusculana
  • Porta Caelimontana (still existent )
  • Porta Capena - led to the Via Appia and Via Latina
  • Porta Naevia - on the Aventine, led to Ardeatina
  • Porta Raudusculana - in the eastern area of the Aventine
  • Porta Lavernalis
  • Porta Trigemina - near the Boarium Forum, led to the Via Ostiensis