Servílio Conti

Servilio Conti IMC (* October 19, 1916 in Vertova, Italy) is a retired prelate of Roraima.


Servilio Conti occurred on October 10, 1933, the Congregation of the Consolata Missionaries in the Mother House in Turin and was ordained on April 8, 1944 in Rome as a priest, while the militant struggles of the Allies and the German Wehrmacht at the gates of Rome. He participated in the Second Vatican Council.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 1 January 1965 to the Prelate of Roraima and on February 8, 1968 Titular Bishop of Thuburbo Maius. The Archbishop of Bergamo, Clemente Gaddi, who donated it on 5 May of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Were co-consecrators Aristide Pirovano PIME, General Superior of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions and João Gazza SX, General Superior of the Xaverian Missionaries. On 3 May 1975, Pope Paul VI. his resignation.

He has published numerous works, including his autobiography in 2006 O Santo Do Dia.
