Shawn Michael Phelan

Shawn Michael Phelan ( born January 7, 1975 in Stoughton, Massachusetts, † September 27, 1998 in Houston, Texas) was an American film actor and musician.

Short Biography

Shawn Michael Phelan was the only child of Dave and Bonnie Phelan, who moved in 1982 from Massachusetts to Texas. 1984 was decided by the nine -year-old Phelan to be an actor, but he still had to wait a full five years before he, at the age of 14 years, was in 1989 made ​​his debut in an episode of Family Matters.

The Wonder Years and most recently Murder, She Wrote were other television series, in which roles Phelan took over. His most famous film was the thriller Boy Soldiers 1991 produced.

Since the year 1980, when John Lennon was shot, Phelan was also a fan of the Beatles, and joined in parallel as an actor and as a performer of many of their songs on smaller stages on.

March 29, 1994 Phelan's car was rammed by a truck. Phelan survived the accident with a severe head injury and fell into a coma. Four and a half years later, in September 1998, Phelan died at the age of 23 years, without ever having regained consciousness.
