Shifra Lerer

Shifra Lerer ( born March 30, 1915 in Argentina, † March 12, 2011 in Manhattan, New York City ) was an American actress of Russian origin and one of the most important representatives of the Jewish theater.


Shifra Lerer came from a Russian-Jewish family of soap manufacturers who had fled to Argentina because of poverty and anti-Semitism. At the age of five she gave after their discovery by actor Boris Thomashevsky her debut at the Jewish Theater in Argentina and entered in the course of their nearly 90-year Theaterkarrierte to Yiddish theaters in Europe, Israel and most recently in New York City on.

After a first appearance in God, Man and Devil ( 1950) by Joseph Seiden they became known to a wider audiences in the 1990s by their supporting roles as " Nellie Krichinsky " in Avalon (1990 ) by Barry Levinson, Jewish woman in Gentle eyes do not lie ( 1992) by Sidney Lumet, Kathy's grandmother in champagne or seltzer (1996 ) by Jon Sherman and most recently as " Dolly" in Woody Allen's Deconstructing Harry (1997).
