Shirleys Bay

Entrance sign to the enclosed land

The Shirleys Bay is a bay on the Ottawa River and is located about 10 miles from Ottawa in the Canadian province of Ontario. Shirleys Bay is also the name of a research complex on the shore of the bay.

On the site is located in the fenced off area and a civilian militätisches Research Center for Telecommunications of the Canadian Forces. The organizations conducting the research are: Defence Research and Development Canada, Communications Research Centre, the David Florida Laboratory, Canadian Space Agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Firearms Training Unit, Department of Defence firearms workout area and the Connaught National Army Cadet Summer training Centre.

Project Magnet

Project Magnet was a UFO research project, which was started by the Department of Transportation (DOT) on 2 December 1950. The project was under the direction of Wilbert B. Smith, a senior engineer of the then (DOT) Broadcast and Measurements Section. The project was officially until the middle of 1954 and unofficially until the death of Wilbert B. Smith in 1962.

The former station was equipped with radio and radio listening devices, Geiger counters and cameras. On August 8, 1954 unusual signals were recorded. However, the cameras could record nothing due to fog. All results that would have to educate can contribute, were declared secret and not published until today.
