
Shuaijiao (Chinese摔跤or摔交, Pinyin shuāijiāo, W.-G. shuai -chiao ) is the modern Chinese word for rings. Its historical predecessors were " Jǐao Dǐ " (角 抵, literally as " Horn bumping ") and " Jiao li" (角力). At the same time Shuaijiao designated certain Chinese, Mongolian and Manchurian forms of this sport, which have a long history.

On the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the People's Republic of China are:

  • Tianqiao shuaijiao天桥 摔跤, City Xuanwu District ( Beijing) ( 793 )
  • Shalibo'ershi shuaijiao沙 力 搏 尔 式 摔跤, Left Alxa Banner (Inner Mongolia ) (No. 794 )
  • Manzu Ergui shuaijiao满族 二 贵 摔跤( a dance of the Manchus, a wrestling match with a doll ), Longhua county ( Hebei Province) (No. 811 )