Sibylla Rubens

Sibylla Rubens is a German singer of classical music in the soprano vocal range.


Sibylla Rubens studied concert and opera singing at the National Conservatory Trossingen and at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main. She was also member of the master class in song interpretation by Irwin Gage and completed another master classes with Edith Mathis and Elsa Cavelti.

Sibylla Rubens worked with conductors such as Helmuth Rilling, Michael Gielen and Philippe Herreweghe, as well as the Berlin Philharmonic, Munich Philharmonic and the Staatskapelle Dresden and the Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart and Windsbacher boys choir together and took part in 80 musical productions.

In 2007, Sibylla Rubens was appointed to the Board of the New Bach Society in Leipzig. Furthermore, they gave master classes at Oberstdorf Music summer as well as in the Thuringian State Music Academy Special Hausen. In July 2012 she was a judge at the International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition in Leipzig.

