Silvio Cesare Bonicelli

Silvio Cesare bonuses Celli ( born March 31, 1932 in Bergamo, Italy, † March 6, 2009 ibid ) was bishop of Parma.


Silvio Cesare Bonicelli first studied law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. From 1956 to 1958 he served in the Alpini and became an officer. He received on 16 June 1962, the priesthood and studied canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

1991 Pope John Paul II appointed him bishop of the Diocese of San Severo. He received his episcopal consecration on October 19, 1991 Andrea Mariano Magrassi OSB, Bishop of Bari; Co-consecrators were Gaetano Boni Celli, Archbishop of Siena, and Angelo Paravisi, Auxiliary Bishop of Bergamo. He was appointed the 69th bishop of the Diocese of Parma in 1996.

He was a member of the Episcopal Commission for Social Problems and Work, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore di Milano.

2008 his resignation was by Benedict XVI. granted.


  • Silvio Cesare Bonicelli. Concili I particolari da Graziano al Concilio di Trento, Morcelliana 1971: Pubblicazioni del Pontifical seminario lombardo in Roma
  • Silvio Cesare Bonicelli: Silvio Cesare Bonicelli Vescovo di Parma 1997-2007. Storia, riflessioni e immagini, Mattioli 1885, 2008, ISBN 978-88-6261-02-09