
58.82916723.589722Koordinaten: 58 ° 50 'N, 23 ° 35' O

Sinalepa ( German Sinnalep ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Ridala ( Ridala vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The place has twenty inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). It is located fourteen kilometers south-east of the district capital of Haapsalu.


1688, the Court of Sinalepa was first mentioned. Ever since the year 1765, he belonged to the noble family of Baltic German Kursell. Last private owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform in 1919 was Alexander von Kursell.

1939 were quartered on the farm with his far-reaching Parkareal members of the Red Army, which began there with the construction of an airfield. In their retreat after the German attack on the Soviet Union soldiers burned in 1941 all the buildings on fire. Today some ruins are still preserved.

Orthodox Church

1886, at the time of Russification of Estonia, in the later associated with Sinalepa place Mäemõisa ( German Berghof or Düwel ) was built an Orthodox church. It is named after Saint Nicholas. By 1963, the Orthodox Church has been active. Today, the building stands as a ruin.
