Sino-Korean vocabulary

Sinokoreanisch is a term used in linguistics and is composed of the words "Sino - " (Latin for China), and the country name Korea.

The background is that the Koreans through the acquisition of Chinese writing, the original Chinese pronunciation of the characters took over and retained to a large extent.

Many words are therefore twice in the Korean language available, once pure Korean origin or sinokoreanisch, so Chinese origin.

For example, does the character木tree and is pronounced mok ( 목 ). Although the pure Korean namu ( 나무 ) has the same meaning, but, in contrast to most sino Korean Sememen as mok stand alone.

Partial exist both forms of equal importance, but some is also a ungebräuchlicher become. Unlike Kanji Hanja are pronounced always sinokoreanisch in today's Korean reading, so the Hanja木namu always mok and never.

The character一"one" is called in Korean han il ( 한 일 ). Han il means something like " Eins-/il / " - han is the pure Korean word for "one", il is the Korean pronunciation of the character一, which is related yī with the Chinese pronunciation.

  • Korean language