Slow Movement

With deceleration behavior is colloquially described actively counteract the professional and personal " acceleration " of life, that is again to slow down or even return to the slowness.

Objectives and significance

The quest for slowing down is based on the view that the social and especially economic development had won in the advanced industrial societies a momentum that into wearing hectic and senseless haste in all areas of life, while ignoring every natural and human dimensions in particular. The pursuit of the professional world on the complexity, effectiveness, haste, hustle, faster, higher, further and more the deceleration is opposite. It 's not about slowness as an end in itself, but about appropriate speeds and changes in a broad sense: in dealing with themselves, with others and with nature.

The deceleration, the rediscovery of slowness, the association has prescribed for the delay time.

Increasing importance undergoes deceleration in the guidebooks for coping with stress as well as the interdisciplinary science of happiness. In the area of health tourism the subject of a slower lifestyle among health-promoting aspects will be taken up increasingly.


The deceleration shows essentials of laziness and idleness, but not like these negative connotations. In fact, the streamlined concept of having "slowing down " experienced such an inflationary distribution, because it everywhere wanting in courage, for the honest demand for " slowing down " stand up. For a small withdrawal of acceleration no one needs to fear a restriction of the usual speed. Slowdown would place the progressive thinking radically questioned.

The term deceleration is used in the context of ecologically oriented transport policy. Here it is to be understood in the sense that the general introduction of speed limits is required as well as the meaningful expansion of federal roads instead of new highways.


Entschleunigungsmaßnahmen can be, for example:

  • Abstinence ( asceticism )
  • Lead a simple life,
  • More generally in the biological sense, anything that helps reduce the energy and material sales.

In social and cultural perspective to develop increasingly measures with the aim of slowing down, which can be summarized under the concept of slow- motion.

As members of the Slow Movement include, for example:

  • Slow Food, deceleration by slowly and enjoyable meal;
  • Cittaslow, increase the quality of life in cities;
  • Slowretail, for stores and trade with more value.
  • Slow Travel, conscious traveling, waiver of package tourism and rapid means of locomotion


The term deceleration (de- acceleration) was first launched in 1979 by Jürgen vom Scheidt in his book - introduced "Singles solitude as an opportunity", then treated in three more of his books.

The word appeared on the early 1990s in publications of the Evangelical Academy in Tutzing and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy on. The idea, however, is older and traceable at least to the 19th century, when it trends were in England, railways prohibit speeds of more than ten kilometers per hour.

Literally the work of Adalbert Stifter may be ex post as an example of a decelerated world. In his main work " Indian Summer " is a determining motive to slow down every move and stop the flow of time.
