Solar eclipse of September 1, 2016

The annular solar eclipse of September 1, 2016 will be visible mainly in Central Africa. The eclipse begins in the middle of the Atlantic and the path of the annular eclipse reaches Gabon only 110 kilometers further south than the totality path of the eclipse of 2013. Subsequently, the path crosses the African continent in the south- southeast, it will be next to Gabon, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the southern Tanzania and northern Mozambique painted. Before the darkness in the Indian Ocean ends, the center of Madagascar is swept in a southeasterly direction and Réunion located in the annular zone visibility.

In its partial phase, the darkness can be observed almost the entire African continent.

Weather outlook

Almost the entire area of the annular visibility climate is tropical, sub-tropical climate in Madagascar, which is not particularly likely makes ideal observing conditions. At the time of darkness, but more drying time, what the outlook improved, at best they could be in the middle of the African continent.
