Sometimes (Erasure song)

Sometimes is a song by the synth - pop duo Erasure, considering it to be the fourth single overall, published in October 1986.

After three less successful singles from the debut album Wonderland the duo Erasure achieved his international breakthrough with the song Sometimes. The song reached # 1 in the South African singles charts and # 2 on the UK Singles Chart, the Dutch Singles Chart and the German single charts. In the USA Sometimes came in at number 4 of the Hot Dance Club Play charts to.

Written and composed by Vince Clarke and Andy Bell shows Sometimes the typical Erasure sound - a fast, danceable melody, accentuated by Clarke's analog synthesizers and Bells song about being in love. The music video shows the band on the roof of a building, on the Vince Clarke playing an acoustic guitar and Andy Bell sings while she is dancing with white ceilings, hanging on clotheslines, meander.

Cover versions of this song exist from Drop the Bomb (within a Megamixes, 1990), Condition Icon (1998), Dressed in White (1999) and And One (Live Version, 2009)


  • Pop song
  • Song 1986