Special edition

A special edition (also known as Collector's Edition or Deluxe Edition ) is a term used mainly to increase the esteem of different products concept. Originally mostly used for works of art, books, prints, recorded music or movies, this principle has been taken up by other industries such as the automotive industry. The products usually differ by one or more features (Tools ) of the standard execution. To some extent also Identical at a higher price - offered - in other packaging. But the reverse is possible. So there products are the simplified or shortened in order to offer them at a better price. This is a common practice to increase as the edition.

The limited edition, however, is restricted to a limited number of copies (number of copies), which can also be very high. You must have no additives, this has, however, most to offer to add value to the actual product.

Special editions of books

As a collector's edition called book editions often appear in a limited edition that are often numbered. Some examples of these are even hand- bound, hand-signed by the artist or printed by himself.

As special editions but also highly affordable editions of books are called, which are traded in Modern Antiquarian. These issues often differ by less quality equipment ( softcover instead Hardcover, thinner paper, smaller size, etc.)

From movies, albums and computer games appear again and again special editions. So films are often subsequently improved and offered as Extended Version, albums will be enhanced by additional music videos and computer games are art books, soundtracks, etc. with. The DVD and Bluray releases of anime in Japan appear almost regularly in a Limited Edition often even without a normal version, where there is no information on the number of pieces here and is only roughly speaking of the first edition and the term mainly to the additional enclosed Tools pathway.

Special editions of stamps and coins

These limited editions of stamps and coins are often imprinted on special occasions. The limitation is due to the fact that with the traditional techniques, it is not a large quantity of work in the same quality was possible to produce.

Special editions of magazines and newspapers

The special issue of a journal or newspaper is often referred to as "Special " means.

  • Publishing