Spectacled salamander

Salamandrina terdigitata

The Spectacled Salamander ( Salamandrina terdigitata ) is a fully terrestrial salamander in Italy and placed long the only species of the genus Salamandrina dar. however Meanwhile, a southern and a northern species ( Salamandrina terdigitata and S. perspicillata; compare photos in the links ) are distinguished.


It is up to 10 centimeters long, slender animal with almost round tail. The back is matte black, the belly pale with dark spots. Tail and feet are bright red at the bottom.

This nocturnal salamander spends the day under rocks or moss at the edge of small streams. At night he goes with his sticky tongue to hunt for worms and small insects. The cold season is spent, at least in the northern part of its range, in hibernation.

It owes its German name of a spectacle-shaped, red and yellow drawing above the eyes, its scientific name from the fact that it has on the hind feet only four toes ( compare: Siberian angle tooth scraper ).

The spectacled salamander is endemic only in the Italian Apennine Mountains from Liguria to Calabria. It is found generally between 200 and 700 m slm, rarely at sea level or up to 1500 meters ( Monte Pollino ). The spectacled salamander is protected by law. Due to water pollution and landscape changes, the populations in some areas are at risk.

Legal protection status

  • Fauna-Flora -Habitat Directive (FFH Directive): Annexes II and IV (there are specially establishing protected areas / strictly protected species )
  • Federal Nature Conservation Act ( Federal Nature Conservation Act ): strictly protected