Stan Greenberg

Bernard Stanley "Stan" Greenberg ( born May 10, 1945) is an American campaign manager. His specialty is the strategic planning policy.

Life and work

Greenberg is a member of the Democratic Party. He advises parties with respect to their public relations and internal communications. Among others, he has co-designed the campaigns of Ehud Barak, Bill Clinton, John Kerry and Al Gore. In Europe, he was adviser to Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder. Currently he is a media consultant Michael Häupl ( Mayor of Vienna since 1994) and the Social Democratic Party.

Greenberg graduated from Miami University political science. A Ph.D. he received at Harvard University. He was from 1975 to 1985 lecturer at Yale University. In particular, the government's policy of Ronald Reagan ( U.S. President 1981-1989 ) was a focus of his scientific work.

Greenberg is best known for the design of campaign 1992 campaign for Bill Clinton ( see presidential election November 1992 ). The campaign headquarters of the Democratic Party was a " war room " (also known by the published in December 1993 documentary "The War Room "). 1996 Clinton was re-elected.

He was publicly criticized for his media work for the oil company BP. The experiments Greenberg to represent BP after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 as an environmentally friendly, have been heavily criticized. Thus, Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff of the White House with U.S. President Barack Obama, the media policy of BP based on Greenberg's surname as " greenwashing " (within the meaning of whitewashing ) refers.

As part of its activities for the SPÖ Greenberg was frequently ridicule the object of attacks by Jörg Haider (1950-2008) and other FPÖ politicians like Herbert Kickl.

" The Häupl [ Office of the Mayor of Vienna, SPÖ ] has a campaign strategist who is called Stanley Greenberg ... ( laughter in the hall ) ... which he can fly in from the East Coast! Dear friends, you have the choice between spin -Doctor Greenberg from the east coast or the Viennese heart to decide ... ( thunderous applause ) ... we do not need Shouts from the east coast. Now once is enough! ( loud applause ) "

Greenberg is with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (* 1943) from Connecticut married and lives in New Haven.

  • Politics and Poverty: Modernization and Response in Five Poor Neighborhoods (1974 )
  • Race and State in Capitalist Development: South Africa in Comparative Perspective (1980).
  • Legitimating the Illegitimate: State, Markets, and Resistance in South Africa ( 1987)
  • Middle Class Dreams: The Politics and Power of the New American Majority (1995 )
  • The Two Americas: Our Current Political Deadlock and How to Break It ( 2004) ISBN 0-312-31838-3
  • Dispatches From The War Room: In The Trenches With Five Extraordinary Leaders (2009) ISBN 0-312-35152-6