Standing rib roast

The prime rib or rib High ( Swiss Hohrücken; Austro roast ), the dorsal part of the beef between the eighth and twelfth rib. It lies between the neck and the cattle located further back roast beef. It is also called high or round roast beef, with the latter being in the classic kitchen only the core is meant. The false rib is expected depending on the cut to the neck or rib.

Typical dishes

  • When Rib - eye steak is called steaks from the rib. The name is derived from the inner muscle strand of prime rib from, the so -called " round roast beef ." This muscle meat is framed by fettgewebsreicheren prime rib cover and acts as a lean core or lean "eye" (English: Eye).
  • As a rib eye roast refers to a piece of roast from the core of prime rib, prime rib without lid and bones.
  • As Rib of Beef ( French name Côte de boeuf ) be parried roasts from the rib whose occupation of spinal bones were removed to the ribs approach. The English way of preparing the roast piece of pink is fried and served with deglaciertem Bratsatz and Yorkshire pudding.


  • Hans -Joachim Rose, Kitchen Bible - Encyclopedia of Culinary, Tre Torri Verlag ISBN 978-3937963419
  • Hering's Dictionary of cuisine. Fachbuchverlag pan mountain, Haan - Gruiten, 23rd edition 2001, ISBN 3-8057-0470-4
  • Erhard Gorys: The new kitchen lexicon. dtv, Munich 1994-2002, ISBN 3-423-36245-6

Cattle neck | cross rib | brisket | false rib | prime rib | roast beef | fillet | flank | belly flaps | Bug | Covers | Schliem | hip | Hesse

  • Beef