Stanislaus Joyce

Stanislaus Joyce ( born December 17, 1884 in Dublin, † June 16, 1955 in Trieste ) was an Irish language teacher, writer, and the brother of James Joyce.


Joyce's Dublin Diary and its my brother's keeper titled autobiography (both of Arno Schmidt translated into German ) provide interesting insights into the human and artistic development of his brother James.

Stanislaus Joyce married on August 13, 1928, the 25th anniversary of the death of his mother, Nelly Triestinerin of Lichtensteiger ( 1907-1990 ) who, like his brother James had on February 2nd birthday, and died in 1955 on Bloomsday, the highest "holiday " the worldwide Joyce community.


  • Recollections of James Joyce. By his Brother Stanislaus Joyce. Translated from the Italian by Ellsworth Mason. James Joyce Society., 1950.
  • In my brother's keeper. With a foreword by TS Eliot and an introduction by Richard Ellmann. German Arno Schmidt. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1960.
  • The Dublin journal. Edited by George Harris Healy. German Arno Schmidt. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1964.