Stephen Joseph Donahue

Stephen Joseph Donahue ( born December 10, 1893 in New York City, USA, † 17 August 1982) was auxiliary bishop in New York.


Stephen Joseph Donahue received on 25 May 1918, the sacrament of Holy Orders.

On March 5, 1934, he was named by Pope Pius XI. Titular Bishop of Medea and auxiliary bishop in New York. The Archbishop of New York, Patrick Joseph Cardinal Hayes, donated to him on 1 May of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the Koadjutorerzbischof of San Francisco, John Joseph Mitty, and the Bishop of Rochester, Edward Aloysius Mooney.

On May 3, In 1972, Pope Paul VI. of the Stephen Joseph Donahue put forward reasons of age resignation to.
