Steve Argüelles

Steve Argüelles ( born November 16, 1963 in Crowborough, Sussex ) is a British jazz drummer.

Argüelles had initially worked as a musician for the movie and various theaters, then he played with his own bands, with his brother Julian Arguelles and Iain Ballamy, Django Bates and the group Human Chain. Argüelles now lives in Paris.

Argüelles has collaborated with the Swiss singer Corin Curschellas, with John Wolf Brennan and Christy Doran; He also plays in a trio with Benoît Delbecq and Noël Akchoté. Argüelles acted as guest of Gilad Atzmon formation Tango Siempre with the recording of the album with Tangents and was involved in Ig hen Mans recording of Indigo. Argüelles played drums on recordings by Dieter Ilg, the ADD Trio, the Creative Works Orchestra, the bands of Lê and Robert Dick and Thierry Peala Group.

