Storkau, Stendal

52.61333333333311.99916666666728Koordinaten: 52 ° 36 '48 " N, 11 ° 59' 57" E

Storkau is a district of the city Tangermünde in the district of Stendal, in Saxony- Anhalt, Germany.


Storkau lies on the left bank of the Elbe, approximately 8 km downstream of Tangermünde. The wooded terrain west of Storkau drops by about 40 m from the banks of the Elbe.


The town was first mentioned in 1209. The castle was used from the late 1930s, the training of leaders of the Reich Labor Service. Today, the castle Storkau particularly as the meeting place of the Administrative Professional Association ( vbg ) is utilized.

Storkau belonged until 2006 to the administrative community Arneburg - Goldbeck and moved to 12 January 2006 in the administrative community Tangermünde.

Until December 31, 2009 Storkau was an independent municipality with the associated district Billberge.

Due to a change in the contract area, the municipal council of the municipality Storkau decided on 9 June 2009 that the church Storkau is incorporated into the city Tangermünde. This agreement was approved by the county as a lower municipal supervisory authority and entered into force on 1 January 2010.

After incorporation of the previously independent community Storkau be Storkau and Billberge districts of the city Tangermünde. For powered finished my community the village constitution according to § § 86 et seq of the Municipal Code of Saxony- Anhalt is introduced. The municipality is my finished Storkau and future districts Storkau and Bill mountains are to the village of receiving Tangermünde. In the eingemeindeten community and nunmehrigen village Storkau a Ortschaftsrat is formed with nine members including mayor.



Volunteer local mayor is Sabine Augustin.


The castle is used by the Administrative Professional Association as a training academy.


There buses stop and call buses of the regional transport company West Saxons ( RVW ) stendalbus under the brand name. The nearest train station is in Hämerten on the railway line Stendal Rathenow, about three kilometers southwest located. Storkau is connected by highways with the surrounding towns of Stendal, Tangermünde and Arneburg. Five kilometers south of Storkau runs the federal highway 188 which runs approximately parallel to the railway line.
