Striped hog-nosed skunk

Amazon Skunk ( Conepatus semistriatus )

The Amazon Skunk ( Conepatus semistriatus ) is one of four species of the White Skunks trunk within the Skunks known as " skunks ". He is from southern Mexico to northern South America and in the geographically isolated therefrom in eastern Brazil widespread.


The Amazon Skunk reached a total length of 57 centimeters average, the females are slightly smaller than males usually. The weight is about 1.6 kg.

The fur of the Amazon skunks is black with a white pattern on its back, which begins in the neck as a wide strip and then separated into two white stripes with black space and pulls to the tail. The tail is covered with black and white hairs that are shorter than in other species of the genus. The Body is rougher than the other species.


The Amazon Skunks is used in two non-contiguous ( disjoint ) regions of Latin America. The northern part begins in southern Mexico and stretches across the states of Central America and along the coastal areas of South America to the northern Andes in Peru and Venezuela and the llanos of Colombia. In addition, an isolated area of ​​distribution in eastern Brazil exists.

The species occurs mainly in the dry season in many habitats before, including grassland, forest and shrub areas and open areas and predominantly agricultural areas, forest edges and plantations. In the rainy season this Skunk lives primarily in higher and drier forest areas.


Stinkdachse ( Mydaus )

Streifenskunks ( Mephitis )

Spot Skunks ( Spilogale )

Andean Skunk ( Conepatus chinga )

Piglets Skunk ( Conepatus leuconotus )

Patagonian Skunk ( Conepatus humboldtii )

Amazon Skunk ( Conepatus semistriatus )

The Amazon Skunk is classified as a separate species within the genus of the White Skunks trunk ( Conepatus ), which consists of four types. The first scientific description comes from Pieter Boddaert from 1785 on the basis of an individual from Mexico, but was later given as a type locality and the surrounding area of ​​Pamplona in the district of Norte de Santander in Colombia .. Within the species are with the nominate Conepatus semistriatus semistriatus, Conepatus semistriatus amazonicus, Conepatus semistriatus taxinus, Conepatus semistriatus Trichurus, Conepatus semistriatus yucatanicus and Conepatus semistriatus Zorrino distinguished six subspecies.

Inside the White Skunks trunk, the Amazon is the sister species of the Patagonian Skunk Skunks ( Conepatus humboldtii ), these two are the remaining types Andean Skunk ( Conepatus chinga ) and piglets Skunk ( Conepatus leuconotus ) are compared as a common taxon. In their entirety, the White Elephant trunk Skunks are the sister group to spread in North and Central America genera of Streifenskunks ( Mephitis ) and stain Skunks ( Spilogale ) represents the radiation of species within the trunk White Skunks took place in front of about 11.2 million years ago. This was a migration to the South American continent long before the formation of the Central American land bridge about 3 million years ago.

Threats and conservation

The Amazon Skunk is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN ) due to the relatively large area of ​​distribution and the frequent occurrence as well as the adaptability to changing habitats as not at risk ( " least concern ").

A potential, but they considered to be low risk for the kind of goes on hunting, especially for the production of skunk skins from. In addition, in some areas the use of pesticides against plant pests, which also has effects on the Skunks as predators.

