Super Tuesday

The Super Tuesday (English literal translation Super Tuesday ) is an informal term of the U.S. electoral system. The name refers to the candidacy held on a Tuesday ( engl. Tuesday ) in the year of presidential elections, at the same time in a variety of states of codes (" primaries "). Thus, the Super Tuesday is the day on which most of the delegates are elected. Therefore, potential election candidates must do well for presidential office in this election day in order to insure a successful nomination as a candidate of the party. The Super Tuesday was up to the 2004 elections always the beginning of March, 2008, he was moved up to the 5th of February. How the electoral system of electors from the early history of the colonies already be explained out, also Tuesday can be explained as election day from a historical and practical points of view. Sunday was the same as Kirchenbesuchstag than election day. In order to allow the voters the arrival to the United States in the expanses of the partially distant polling stations Tuesday was chosen as Election Day in order to take advantage of the Monday for the arrival can.


The self- concept of the " Super Tuesday " referred first on March 8, 1988, when the southern states of Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia at the same primaries for the U.S. presidential elections in 1988 were held in November. The transnational regional primaries based on an idea by Democrats to introduce its own moderate candidate who would better represent the interests of the southern states. ( This plan ultimately did not pan out, as the Governor of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis was nominated ). Although the involvement of simultaneous primaries is subject to fluctuations, it has played in the following years each have a Super Tuesday, so far, on 19 March 1992 on 12 March 1996, on 7 March 2000 and March 2, 2004. In 2000 took part in the Super Tuesday 16 U.S. states and American Samoa.

A convincing result on Super Tuesday has mostly heavily promoted the chances for a successful candidacy. In general, the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary are indeed much attention from the press, as it is the first primaries. Numerically, however, they are of little relevance to the overall result, since it is relatively small states. The primaries of Super Tuesday, however, take place in a large number of states that are demographically and socially very different, so the result is seen as crucial for a nationwide acceptance of candidates. In 1992, Bill Clinton had a number of previous primaries lost, but won convincingly in a number of southern states on Super Tuesday - he was, ultimately, a candidate of the Democratic Party and won the presidential election. In 1996, the turnaround on Super Tuesday was important for Republican Bob Dole and Democrat Al Gore in 2000 and Republican George W. Bush could substantiate their claim to candidacy with victories in the primaries of Super Tuesday. In 2000, about 61 percent ( Democrats ) and 58 percent (Republican ) of the delegates' votes were backed up on Super Tuesday.

" Super Duper Tuesday" in 2008

Before that day, there were efforts by some states to bring forward their primaries on a Tuesday in early February to jointly increase their importance in the presidential campaign of the parties. These efforts for joint primaries in February have the consequence that on February 5, 2008 primary elections were held in 24 states for the presidential election of 2008. Thus, about half of the possible delegates were won that day.

For this largest-ever " Super Tuesday " superlative forms such as " Super Duper Tuesday", " Giga Tuesday" or "Tsunami Tuesday" are used in the press jokingly. The nickname Tsunami Tuesday came on June 3, 2007, when the press strategists of the major parties - James Carville, Bob Shrum, Mary Matalin and Mike Murphy - at the round table of Meet the Press Events of them spoke, so that the importance of the recent Super Tuesday would wiped out.


To counter the race to ever earlier code appointments, the Republican National Committee had determined that states that held their primaries without permission of the RNC before 6 February 2012, would get assigned only half of them by calculation of the seats allocated to the nominating convention. Accordingly, it was March 6, 2012, the first Tuesday in March, on Super Tuesday in the presidential primaries and caucuses of 2012, in eleven states.


The first season of the U.S. series 24 plays on Super Tuesday.
